Glimpses of The 32nd Annual General Body Meeting of” Karnataka Corrugated Box Manufacturers Associationheld on 6thJanuary 2023 at The PrideHotel,Bangalore.
The same team was re- elected for another year.
The following are the Office Bearers for the year 2023.
Sri Manoj Kumar Daga : President
Sri Amit Parasampuria : Vice President
Sri Sanjay Modi : Hon.General Secretary
Sri Deepak Agarwal : Hon.Treasurer
Sri Alok Agarwal : Ex Officio President
34 members attended the meeting.
This was also a family get together and a professional MC was arranged to conduct games for the group. Everybody enjoyed the evening and had a gala time.
The session was followed by cocktail and Dinner.
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Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus mauris.
Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus mauris.