• Interacting closely with the government of India on formulation of policies with specific focus on corrugated box industry.
  • Conducting various seminars on specific subjects like Tea Industry, Defence, Horticulture, Packaging Solutions, etc.
  • Maintaining state of art information / database of corrugated industry (i.e.) consumers, suppliers, etc.
  • Taking effective steps to campaign for promotion of corrugated industry through buyer-seller meet.
  • Participating in national and international conferences, exhibitions, seminars under the banner of FCBM.
  • Maintaining close interaction with kraft paper mills and machinery manufacturers to upgrade the technology.
  • Complimenting FCBM in running various cells concerning Research & Development, Market Development, Encroachment, Excise, Sales Tax, etc.
  • Providing value added services like software development, international packaging calendar and new happenings in India and abroad.
  • Liaising with various Chambers, Trade Bodies and Consultancy Houses for the benefit of the members